A. The underlying purposes of this policy are:

1. To ensure fair and equitable treatment of all persons who wish to, or do conduct business with San Juan County.
2. To provide for the greatest possible economy in the County’s procurement activities.
3. To foster effective broad-based competition within the free enterprise system to ensure that the County will receive the best possible services or products at the lowest possible price and/or the most responsive price based on quality of workmanship and performance.
4.  It is the intention of San Juan County to get the best value on purchases. The lowest price provider does not always constitute the best value to San Juan County. When purchasing equipment or services, considerations should include product quality, product support, service provider experience, maintenance fees, renewal fees, and end-user application of the purchase. In instances in which the low quote is not selected, the Department must provide written justification for not selecting the lowest quote and include this written justification with the purchasing record.