Emergency Management

Emergency preparedness checklist

It is the mission of San Juan County Emergency Management to create an environment of readiness for the whole-community through prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and disaster recovery. It is the vision of San Juan County Emergency Management to have a resilient and sustainable community.


Flood Damage Information Flood Event for August 23-25, 2024

In light of recent flooding events, the County has put together the following information regarding clean-up efforts:


  1. Contact your insurance agent This is the very first thing you need to do.
  2. Document every thing. “Document, Document, Document”.  Document damage, take pictures and/or video, note dates and times where possible, etc. If you have any "before" pictures and/or video, please include them.
  3. Report- Please click this link for Property Damage reporting of recent events and include all documentation, submit multiple submissions if necessary. San Juan County Private Property Damage Assessment Self Reporting
  4. Contact the San Juan County Building Department to schedule an inspection of the property for structural damage 435-587-3829
  5. Start clean-up
  6. Work with a qualified contractor to get quotes for repair.
  7. For FEMA flood insurance info, https://wwwfloodsmart.gov
  8. To Contact the San Juan County Building Department call 435 587-3829


This survey is for San Juan County Utah residents to self report damages following the severe weather event Friday, August 23-25, 2024. This survey will help the affected areas better coordinate resources and clean up efforts.


**Please note that this survey does not generate requests for work or financial assistance. Contact your local public works office or power provider for downed power lines.**







Tammy Gallegos
Emergency manager
Telephone: 435-587-3225
Postal Address  
P.O. Box 9
Monticello, Utah 84535
E-Mail: tgallegos@sanjuancounty.org


Natalie Freestone
Assistant Emergency manager
Telephone: 435-587-3225
Postal Address  
P.O. Box 9
Monticello, Utah 84535
E-Mail: nfreestone@sanjuancounty.org

David Gallegos
San Juan County Fire Chief
Telephone: 435-587-3225
Postal Address  
P.O. Box 9
Monticello, Utah 84535
E-Mail: dgallegos@sanjuancounty.org


Special Needs Registry https://specialneedsutah.org/

Emergency Management links for children

Ready.gov for kids https://www.ready.gov/kids/games

Emergency Management Links

Utah Department of Emergency Management https://dem.utah.gov/

Federal Emergency Management Association https://www.fema.gov/

American Red Cross https://www.redcross.org/

NOAA https://www.noaa.gov/

Ready Gov https://www.ready.gov/