The Guncle

Cover of the book "The Guncle" by Steven Rowley

The Guncle by Steven Rowley

Reviewed by L. Bennett

Patrick is a self-absorbed gay actor living in Palm Springs in a big house, but he is currently taking a break from his career. When he learns that Sara, his best friend and sister-in-law, has died he goes to Connecticut to support his brother Greg and do his own grieving. But Greg is heading to a drug rehab program and he wants Patrick to take care of his two children until he is released. Patrick is totally unprepared for this and believes himself unsuited to parenting, but takes the kids back to Palm Springs anyway. What unfolds is an often humorous and frequently poignant story of adaptation, reevaluation, and love. I didn't think I would like this book but I stuck with it and soon found myself caught up in the very human landscape of getting up and moving on.

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