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Search results

  1. Search and Rescue

    San Juan County Sheriff's Department | Page

    dollars. Because costs can be so excessive, counties may back-bill rescue victims for the costs of their ...

  2. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 09/04/18 11:00am

    new Victims coordinator for the Childrens Justice Court (CJC). This was made possible through a Victim ...

  3. Mail-in Voter Registration Form

    Clerk | Page

    is a victim, or is likely to be a victim, of domestic violence or dating violence • Law enforcement ...

  4. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 12/03/19 11:00am

    Administrator Mack talked about a funding program which advocates can use to help voters with disabilities to ...

  5. Emergency Medical Services Director

    Human Resources | Job Opening

    accident victims; of interpersonal communication skills;   state code, regulations, and laws affecting ... victims; of interpersonal communication skills; state code, regulations, and laws affecting emergency ...

  6. Sheriff's Office Road Deputy

    Human Resources | Job Opening

    investigation reports on scene of crime, gathers evidence and interviews victims and witnesses. Prepares arrest ...

  7. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 04/02/19 11:00am

    better support to sexual and domestic assault victims on the reservation. Summer asked the commissioners ...


    Human Resources | Page

    4. The County will not tolerate retaliation against any person who is the victim of or the reporter ...

  9. Public Health Nurse

    Human Resources | Job Opening

    the Health Educator. • DENTAL: Demonstrate and teach dental care techniques. Advocate varnish ...

  10. 2022 General Election Financial Disclosure Report

    Clerk | Page

    Governor or a county clerk. Who can submit a withholding request form? • A person who is a victim, or is ... likely to be a victim, of domestic violence or dating violence • Law enforcement officers • Individuals ...
