Project Hail Mary

Cover of the book "Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

Reviewed by L. Bennett

When he awoke he didn't know where he was, couldn't remember his name, and was in a room he did not recognize. Robotic arms hung from the ceiling and a computer kept asking his name. With his memory returning in flashes and snippets, it took him a while to realize he was in a space ship, had been in an induced coma, and had a mission. With his two companions dead, he alone would have to figure out how to save the sun and planet Earth. Therein begins Andy Weir's sci-fi tale of a misplaced junior high school science teacher tasked with applying his nerdy science interests to a herculean challenge. Splashed with humorous dialog and a plentitude of math, astronomy, and physics, the story has everything a sci-fi novel should. Technological innovations abound, dangers lurk in the dark recesses of the ship, and on the radar screen is a vessel of unknown origin. This was a fun escape but I admit to skipping over a lot of the science details.

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