Property Tax

Property taxes are to be paid directly to the Treasurer by mail or in person. The tax stub or an identifying number should accompany the payment. The Treasurer is not responsible for an individual paying on the wrong account.

Prepayment coupons are provided as a convenient means of prepaying property taxes. This is not a requirement nor are there any penalties attached for missed or late prepayments.  The prepayment booklet contains nine coupons and will NOT pay the current year tax in full.  The final payment will be your tax notice.  Coupon payment amounts are based on the PREVIOUS year’s tax amount.

Coupons are not required if you choose to make prepayments throughout the year. Your payment can be processed as long as it is for a minimum of $10.00 and you have provided us with a valid parcel number. However, all prior years’ taxes must be paid before current prepayments will be applied.

To request a prepayment coupon booklet check the appropriate box on the payment stub of your tax notice, contact our office at 435-587-3237, Ext. 2 or e-mail us at: or