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    worst it has been in 90 years due to the combination of heat and extremely dry fuels; and WHEREAS, San ... Emergency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of San Juan County Commissioners publicly ...

  2. What Can You Do If You Know Or Suspect Someone Is Being Abused?

    San Juan County Sheriff's Department | FAQ

    a victim’s immediate safety needs have been met, the most important thing you can do is listen. It is ...

  3. Resources for Dementia

    Aging Services | Page

    with dementia, resulting in a deeper understanding of what it’s like to live with cognitive impairment ...

  4. Victim Advocate

    Community | Page

    sexual assault/rape or stalking, help is available.  It is free and you may remain anonymous. If you or ... immediate safety needs have been met, the most important thing you can do is listen. It is important to ... 9-1-1. Rape is forced sexual intercourse. It is a crime of violence. Reporting to local law enforcement ...

  5. Contact Us

    Community | Webform

    Red, White, and... Yes, this not is a trick question and easy to answer. We ask it because spam bots ...

  6. Authorizing Annual Renewal Contract with Local Building Authority


    and sale of its lease revenue bond, Series 2019 Authorizing the execution by the authority of master ...

  7. Agreement with Local Building Authority for Road Department Shop


    and sale of its lease revenue bond, Series 2019 Authorizing the execution by the authority of master ...

  8. San Juan County Economic Development 2023 Rural Grant Application

    Economic Development | News/Press Release

    in San Juan County. Each applicant will be required to fill out all of the questions. It is mandatory ...

  9. The Guncle

    Libraries | Page

    this book but I stuck with it and soon found myself caught up in the very human landscape of getting up ...

  10. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 02/07/17 11:00am

    talked about Old Spanish Trail and mentioned that it was designated as a National Historic Trail. He ... director and presented a contract for approval by the commission. After some discussion, it was decided to ... period before a resolution to create the new Special Service District. Eric mentioned that it is not the ...
