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    of emergency due to the Pack Creek Fire. Tuesday, June 15, 2021 2021-07.pdf 2021-07.pdf SAN JUAN ... County Commission extends the State of Emergency. 1 PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the Board of San ...

  2. Public Health Board Meeting

    Public Health Board | Calendar Event | 08/18/22 12:00pm

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Thursday, August 18, 2022- 12:00pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display ... Health Board 5 Item 1. COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MEETING DATE: August 30, 2022 ITEM TITLE, PRESENTER: ... in quarterly installments beginning August 1, 2022. 17 Item 3. 195 North 1950 West Mailing Address: ... PUBLIC HEALTH BOARD MEETING – August 18, 2022 PAGE 1 PUBLIC HEALTH BOARD MEETING 735 S 200 W, ...

  3. San Juan County Land-Use Ordinance Planning and Marketing Services

    Community | Bid/RFP

    developed by San Juan County Staff, County Attorney’s as well as the County Planning Commission and can be ... Z 2024_request_for_proposals_for_land_use_planning_and_marketing_services.pdf Request for Proposals San Juan County Land-Use Ordinance Planning and Marketing Services San Juan ... County Staff, County Attorney’s as well as the County Planning Commission and can be found on our website ...

  4. Variance Form

    Planning | Page

    A to Z sjcvarianceform17.pdf SAN JUAN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE ... Planning Commission is empowered to grant?_______Yes_______No a. If yes, check which type: □ Reduction in ... :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. State any other details about this appeal which you want the Planning Commission to be aware of ...

  5. Lyman W. Duncan Took Oath of Office as New Clerk/Auditor

    Clerk | News/Press Release | Nov 3, 2020

    Lyman Duncan took the oath of office on August 16 as San Juan County Clerk/Auditor. Duncan’s ... Commission. Duncan fills the unexpired seat previously held by John David Nielson. Nielson resigned as County ...

  6. Board of Commissioners Meeting

    Commission | Calendar Event | 08/15/23 11:00am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, August 15, 2023- 11:00am Image Slideshow Display Contact ...

  7. Board of Commissioners Meeting

    Commission | Calendar Event | 08/06/24 11:00am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, August 6, 2024- 11:00am Image Slideshow Display Contact ...

  8. Board of Commissioners Meeting

    Commission | Calendar Event | 08/20/24 11:00am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, August 20, 2024- 11:00am Image Slideshow Display Contact ...

  9. Board of Commissioners Meeting

    Commission | Calendar Event | 08/19/25 11:00am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, August 19, 2025- 11:00am Image Slideshow Display Contact ...

  10. Board of Commissioners Meeting

    Commission | Calendar Event | 08/05/25 11:00am

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Tuesday, August 5, 2025- 11:00am Image Slideshow Display Contact ...
