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  1. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 07/02/19 11:00am

    Melvin Chee, Sally Chee, James Parrish, Harve Holiday, Hellen, Sharon Cly-Stryker Natalie Randall- SJC ... Economic Development & Tourism Natalie talked to the commission about the Tourism side of her office. ... where road maintenance was discussed. Ben explained that NDOT is going to request a temporary right of ...

  2. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 04/21/20 11:00am

    2. Consent Agenda (Routine Matters)- Mack McDonald, SJC Administrator a. Meeting Minutes b. Check ... Registers c. Vehicle Renewal Lease for SJC Strike Force between SJC & Zions Bank d. Notice to Proceed ... Services Mack read the agenda into the record. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioners ...

  3. San Juan County Master Plan

    Planning | Page

    Commission A Jones and DeMille Company 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 COUNTY CONTEXT 9 ECONOMIC ... initiative and included background information, a survey, and draft s of the plan, • an extensive community ... Juan County general plan covers such a large amount of land, many contents of the plan will be broken- ...

  4. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 05/21/19 11:00am

    to the commission to talk about his initial scope of work, projects that he is working on and ... commission, The Rules of Procedure document created to help clarify the functions of the commission, county ... Nielson- SJC Clerk John David discussed with the commission a referendum application that was submitted by ...

  5. 2022 General Election Early Voting Sites

    Clerk | Page

    Z 2022_general_election_sjc_early_voting_calendar_w_names.docx Oct 10- Nov 4, 2022 – Early Voting Sites Drop Boxes in Blanding City Hall, County Bldg in ... 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Bluff Community Center 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. White Mesa Community Center 10:00 ... – 2:00 p.m. Red Mesa Chapter House 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Bluff Community Center 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ...

  6. Budgets & Financial Statements

    Clerk | Page

    Juan County 2022 Final Budget 10 General Fund- 01/01/2022 to 12/16/2022 100.00% of the fiscal year has ... 13,918,229 14,110,666 17,491,843 17,252,847 Expenditures: General Government Board of Commissioners 194,049 ... 133,624 134,601 136,504 138,504 Recorder 221,132 200,396 207,369 228,837 220,574 County Attorney 328,306 ...

  7. Conditional Use Permit

    Planning | Page

    retained in the records of the property owner or applicant. All conditions outlined in the permit must be ... under normal regulations of a zoning district, however, the proposed use may be acceptable within the ... zoning district if development of the use complies with special conditions provided by the Planning ...

  8. Bluff Community Reinvestment Area

    Community | Page

    Bluffs Community Reinvestment Area. On February 6, 2018, the Board of Directors of the Agency adopted ... proposed project area within the Bluffs Dwelling Survey Area. Agency staff and consultants have prepared ... Dwelling Survey Area. Property tax revenues resulting from an increase in valuation of property within the ...

  9. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 08/18/20 11:00am

    SJC Sheriff’s Office Marcia presented a purchase agreement with Motorola in the amount of $9,424.68 to ... Department of Health- Kirk Benge, SJC Public Health Director Kirk presented, for consideration, an amended ... ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE REPEAL OF HB359- Mack McDonald, SJC Administrator Mack presented ...

  10. Public Lands Planning Department

    Public Lands Planning Department | Page

    A Jones and DeMille Company 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 COUNTY CONTEXT 9 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 21 ... initiative and included background information, a survey, and draft s of the plan, • an extensive community ... Juan County general plan covers such a large amount of land, many contents of the plan will be broken- ...
