It is the responsibility of the Department Directors or Supervisors to:

1. Identify the purchases to be made by his or her department in a fiscal year, thereby constituting the annual departmental budget, pursuant to this policy and the Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Counties (U.C.A. 1736).

2. Determine whether it is advantageous to San Juan County to bid any contract less than what is stated in this policy;

3. Be responsible for compliance with this policy and procedure by employees within the department and delegate tasks pursuant to purchasing procedures;

4. Submit annual “Conflicts Disclosure Statements” to the San Juan County Clerk/Auditor;

5. Ensure that San Juan County does not incur sales tax charges on exempt purchases by providing vendors documentation of tax exempt status, a TC721G Exemption Certificate for Governments and Schools;

6. Maintain oversight to ensure that contracted vendors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders and inform the Purchasing Agent of any material breach of such;

7. Contact the Purchasing Agent to initiate a purchase of capital items after the annual adopted budget has passed by resolution of the San Juan County Board of Commissioners;

8. Ensure expenditures are appropriately budgeted and submit Budget Amendment Form when necessary;

9. Determine the amount of a blanket purchase order and the length of time it will remain in effect (all purchase orders expire at the end of the calendar year);

10. Order from Vendors preapproved by the Purchasing Agent or submit a request to add new vendor to County Polaris system with appropriate back-up documentation including a copy of vendors insurance and a current and valid W-9); and

11. Approve or deny all designated invoices for payment, with the exception of self-reimbursement, which must be approved by another authorized individual in the department.