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  1. 2022 San Juan County Economic Development and Tourism Newsletter

    Economic Development | News/Press Release

    Adventure Tours- 1+ hr zoom training to introduce them to SJC. Rocky Mountaineer • Recorded a 12-minute ... an overview of highlights from the year.  Please contact our office if you have any questions at ... Newsletter Sort A to Z 474225_sjc_prnt_year_end_report_feb2023_1.pdf 2022 Year End Newsletter 1 2022 Year End ...

  2. 2020 Proposed Budget

    Finance | Page

    2,700 3412000 Recording of Legal Documents 233,264 60,000 71,485 85,782 75,000 100,000 3415000 Sale of ... 0 0 150 180 0 200 Total Assessor 285,708 239,754 183,166 219,799 211,394 229,633 Surveyor 4147110 Salaries ... 83.33% of the fiscal year has expired INTENDED FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page 1 11/26/2019 11:26 AM Change ...

  3. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 02/21/17 11:00am

    and $118,000 in surveying costs. The purpose of the purchase request is to make sure that the county ... Jerry McNeely, Wendy Black, Kirk Benge John Fellmeth- SJC Finances John came to the commission to talk ... transfer money to a couple of different funds that are running in the deficit. There was a discussion and ...

  4. San Juan County 2022 Proposed Budget

    Community | Page

    Fees 0 0 25,000 0 0 3411000 Misc Clerk Fees 3,079 5,235 3,500 3,000 3,000 3412000 Recording of Legal ... 01/01/2021 to 11/24/2021 91.67% of the fiscal year has expired INTENDED FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page ... Federal Payment in Lieu of Tax 1,636,069 1,405,249 1,677,388 1,600,000 1,600,000 3331000 Cash in Lieu- ...

  5. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 09/17/19 11:00am

    October 15th. Nick Sandberg- SJC Planning Nick came to the commission seeking approval of the comments ... unanimous. Walter Bird- SJC Planning & Zoning Walter proposed that the commission to fill the vacancy of ... Commissioner Adams. Voting was unanimous. Linda Simmons- SJC EMS Director Linda requested to travel out of ...

  6. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 06/04/19 11:00am

    function and some of the events going on during the rodeo. Saxon Sharpe- Humane Society of Moab Update ... the mission of the Society, areas that they cover, and how funds are received and used. Saxon also ... discussed the importance of spaying and neutering and asked for the county’s continued support. Mark ...

  7. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 08/20/19 11:00am

    Torgerson- SJC Sheriff Jason came to discuss proposals for salary adjustments for the SJC Sheriff’s ... department. Jason talked about the importance of having a salary plan and explained that the proposed plan ... accountability. Bruce Adams- SJC Commissioner Commissioner Adams informed the commission that funding from the ...

  8. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 06/20/17 11:00am

    Black, Health Dpmtn director (Kirk Benge) Sunny Redd- SJC Citizen Sunny came to the commission to express ... her frustrations about the lack of services available at Lake Powell Marinas. She talked about ... fulfilled. Jerry McNeely- SJC Liaison Jerry met with SITLA over the Bluff land sale. Met with Forest Service ...

  9. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 12/04/18 11:00am

    SJC Public Health Director Kirk came to the commission seeking approval of an ordinance ratifying the ... Tara Benally John David Nielson- SJC Clerk John David came to the commission to discuss two procurement ... commissioners a brief update on the medical cannabis bill that is being proposed. He explained some of the ...

  10. Commission Meeting

    Commission | Page | 12/03/19 11:00am

    Stevens, Tammy Squires, Trent Schafer, Phillip Rentz, Jason Torgerson, Andrea Wilson Mack McDonald- SJC ... have ADA access at polling locations. He asked the commission if they would like to have a letter of ... Musselman- SJC Public Works Ben introduced a proposed inter-governmental agreement between San Juan County ...
