A. Position Allocation: The official establishment of a position by a department head/elected official cannot take place without the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. No person shall be hired or appointed, and no employee promoted to any position (exceptions may occur for the occasional seasonal, emergency/ temporary, contractual or part-time professional work needs), until the following has occurred:

     1. A presentation of justification as to the need for the position or for the promotion and advancement of an employee.
     2. A verification that funds are available to support the position.
     3. The development or revision of a current job description
     4. The proper classification of the position and assignment to an established pay grade and range is approve by the Human Resources Director.

B. Job Descriptions: The initial content of all job descriptions shall be provided by subject matter experts such as department heads/elected officials, supervisors and incumbent workers through the use of questionnaires, written documents, and related materials. If needed, verification shall be obtained through on-site job audits conducted or coordinated by the Human Resource Director. Based upon information, the Human Resource Director shall prepare the description in approved format for final draft. All employees will be assigned to employment as provided in an established job description and must be able to meet the requirements for performing the "essential functions" of the position to which assigned. Standard formats shall be established by the Human Resource Director to include essential and marginal duties and responsibilities and minimum qualifications (training, education and experience), and ADA compliance. The description shall be used by the County as the basis for:

     1. The classification of the position and determination of its rate of pay
     2. Preparation of examinations and for determination as to whether an applicant or employee meets the minimum requirements for a particular class of positions.
     3. The preparation of a position announcement soliciting applications from interested individuals for position vacancies.
     4. The orienting of a new employee to the duties and responsibilities of a position to which hired or promoted by an administrative officer, supervisor, or department head/elected official, in consultation with the Human Resources Director.
     5. The basis of the development of performance management objectives and evaluations.

C. Classification: All positions shall be comparatively evaluated against a set of common factors and assigned a class title encompassing a specific salary range on the compensation plan. All employees hired will receive compensation according to the classification of the position for which they are hired. No salary shall be approved for any individual unless it conforms to the approved classification and compensation plan. Most employees will be hired at the entry level and will progress through the salary range based on job knowledge and performance warranting such advancement. Entry level is defined as the lowest grade within the range of classification of the job description. Refer to Section Eight of this manual for further details regarding advancement through the salary range.

D. Reclassification: An employee’s position may be reclassified based upon an analysis conducted by the Human Resource Director. When it appears that a job may be eligible to be reclassified, the Human Resource Director under the direction of the department head/elected official shall perform or cause analysis to be performed of the job to determine whether a job shall be reclassified. The reclassification of a position may or may not affect an employee's salary. The Human Resource Director shall inform and receive approval from the Board of County Commissioners for any such reclassification actions.

E. Reorganization: Reclassification may be required from time to time as a result of reorganization. Should circumstances arise from a reorganization or reclassification process that requires the abolition of a position, this shall be treated as a reduction-in-force (see Subsection G below). Reorganization shall be sufficient cause for reclassification by way of reassignment. In an effort to minimize the effects of a reduction-in-force brought about by reassignment, reclassification or reorganization, the following options shall be considered:

     1. The employee may be returned to a lower grade position; or
     2. The employee may be transferred to another position, depending upon qualifications and available position vacancy. If the employee’s pay is greater than the maximum for the position to which assigned or transferred the employee shall be placed on a salary freeze for a period not to exceed two (2) years. If during the two (2) year period, the employees rate of pay falls back within the assigned pay range, the freeze will be lifted. If at the end of two (2) years, the employee’s rate of pay still falls above the maximum of the pay range, that employee’s pay rate shall be reduced to the maximum of the assigned position.

F. Position Review: At least annually, each County department or office is responsible to review all job descriptions utilized within the department and report to the Human Resources department significant differences between the work actually assigned and the job description.

G. Layoff / Reduction-In-Force (RIF): Should it become necessary to undergo a reduction of the work force, brought about by a curtailment of operating revenues, technological innovation, the discontinuance or reduction of services, or other grounds consistent with economic and efficient administration of the County; the Board of County Commissioners in cooperation with elected officials / department heads and the Human Resource Director shall attempt to utilize the following sequence as far as practicable to achieve the required reduction:

     1. Temporary/seasonal employees (may be separated or reduced in work hours).
     2. Tenured part-time employees (may be separated or reduced in work hours).
     3. Tenured full-time employees (may be separated or reduced in work hours).

In determining which employee(s) shall be separated, the Human Resources Director in conjunction with department head/elected official(s) shall recommend which job classes are affected and may utilize such factor as, but not limited to, longevity, performance and organizational needs. The Board of County Commissioners or affected elected official shall have the final say when layoffs affect regular full-time employees. Employees will be notified, in writing that they are being laid off by reason of reduction in force, the reasons for reduction in force, the circumstances by which their position was eliminated, and what benefits they are entitled to and that they are entitled to grieve the action to the Board of County Commissioners.

H. Abolishment of Position: If a circumstance should arise requiring the abolition of a certain position:

     1. The employee may be offered a position at a salary for a position which may entail a reduction in pay;
     2. The employee may be promoted based upon performance, qualification, and position availability;
     3. The affected employee(s) may be transferred to another office/department to fill an open position commanding equal or lesser compensation.
     4. If none of the alternatives are available, the employee shall be separated from County employment
     5. The Board of County Commissioners shall make the final decision in such circumstance, including whether to offer the employee any alternative to separation.

I. Resignation: Any employee who resigns and desires to leave the County in good standing should give a minimum of a two (2) week notice if they are to be considered to re-employment at a future date. Resignations must be in writing and be submitted to the department head/elected official.

     1. De-facto Resignation: An employee who is absent from work for three (3) consecutive work days and is capable of giving proper notice to their supervisor, but fails to do so, shall be deemed to have resigned and shall be informed of the same in writing by the department head/elected official.