Elder Justice

Woman looking out window

Causing harm or injury, attempting to cause harm or inappropriately using physical restraint,
medication or isolation that could cause harm to a vulnerable adult is illegal and must be reported.

Utah Adult Protective Services 1-800-371-7897

Physical and Sexual Abuse-Know the signs

· Multiple bruises in various stages of healing
· Unexplained fractures, abrasions and lacerations
· Multiple injuries
· Withdrawn, passive
· Low self-esteem or loss of self-determination

Emotional and Verbal Abuse-Know the signs

Do you know a vulnerable adult who is being intimidated, threatened, isolated, coerced or harassed?

· Low self-esteem or loss of self-determination
· Withdrawn, passive, fearful

Caretaker Neglect-Know the signs

Caretakers assume the responsibility to provide a vulnerable adult with care, food, shelter, clothing, supervision, etc. Failing to do so is considered neglect.

· Malnourished or dehydration
· Deserted or abandoned
· Inappropriate or soiled clothes
· Over or under medicated
· Lack of glasses, dentures or other aides if usually worn
· Unattended

Self Neglect-Know the signs

Self-Neglect occurs when a vulnerable adult is no longer able to care for their own well-being or provide basic necessities, due to mental or physical impairment.

· Over or under medicated
· Social Isolation
· Malnourished or dehydration
· Unkempt appearance
· Lack of glasses, dentures or other aides if usually worn
· Failure to keep medical appointments

Exploitation-Know the signs

Obtaining or using (unjustly or improperly) a vulnerable adult’s funds, credit, assets or other property, by deception or intimidation, is against the law.

· Disappearance of possessions
· Forced to sell house or change one’s will
· Overcharged for home repairs
· Inadequate living environment
· Unable to afford social activities
· Forced to sign over control of finances
· No or little money for food, clothes or other necessities.

Reporting Abuse

Utah law (62A-3-305) mandates any person who has reason to believe that a vulnerable adult is being abused, neglected, or exploited must immediately notify Adult Protective Services or the nearest law enforcement office.

How to Report

By Telephone Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m. Toll -Free 1-800-371-7897

Report online 24/7
